Table of Data Points

Tag : Canada

1944-06-07Abbey Ardennes Massacre

18 captured Canadian soldiers of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders and the 27th Canadian Armoured Regiment were taken to Ardennes abbey and killed by members of the 12th SS Panzer Division.

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The largest amphibious invasion of all time, with 175,000 troops, 195,700 Allied naval and merchant navy personnel in over 5,000 ships.

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1944-06-06Juno Beach

Situated between Sword Beach and Gold Beach. It is also known as the Canadian beach, as it was assigned to the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division. Juno Beach stretched from Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer on the east to Courseulles-sur-Mer on the west.

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A combination of the Orne River and Caen Canal, a road hub and open surrounds made Caen a vital Allied objective and German defensive point. It was an objective for the British 3rd Infantry on D-Day and was a focal point untill it fell in August.

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1944-03-24The Great Escape

76 prisoners of Stalag Luft III escape. 73 are subsequently recaptured and 50 are murdered by the Gestapo on Hitler's orders.

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1944-02-07German Counteroffensive

Germany forces launch a counteroffensive on the Allied foothold at Anzio.

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1944-02-01Expanding the Beachhead

The US 3rd Division captured ground up to three miles deep on a seven-mile wide front, but failed to break through or capture Cisterna.

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1944-01-221944-06-05Operation Shingle

The allied operation intended to outflank the German winter line and open up an offensive on Rome. The resulting battle is commonly known as the Battle of Anzio.

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1944-01-171944-05-18Monte Casino

The Gustav line was assaulted four times by Allied troops. For the last of these the Allies gathered 20 divisions for a major assault along a twenty mile front and drove the German defenders from their positions but at a high cost.

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1943-12-201943-12-28Battle of Ortona

battle fought between German 1st Parachute Division and assaulting 1st Canadian Infantry Division. It was the culmination of the fighting on the Adriatic front in Italy during "Bloody December".

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