Table of Data Points

Tag : Domestic

1939-12-01Otto Kuusinen

Moscow establishes a puppet government in Finland under Otto Kuusinen

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1939-11-08Munich Assasination Attempt

An attempt to assisinate Hitler in Munich fails.

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1939-11-04Third Term

President Roosevelt wins a third term.

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1939-11-04Neutrality Act of 1939

President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders the United States Customs Service to implement the Neutrality Act of 1939, allowing cash-and-carry purchases of weapons by belligerents.

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1939-08-22Armenian Quote?

Hitler is alleged to have said in a speech to Wehrmacht commanders: "Who still talks nowadays of the extermination of the Armenians?". The veracity of the quote is contested.

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1939-07-06Jewish Businesses Closed

The last remaining Jewish owned businesses in Germany are closed down by the Nazi regime.

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The Hossbach Memorandum summaries a meeting between Hilter and his military and foreign policy leadership. The meeting marks a turning point and radicalization in German foreign policy. "It was therefore a question of space."

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1936-07-171939-04-01Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil war becomes a test case for modern warfare motivated by extreme left/right ideology.

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1934-08-02Hindenburg dies

Hitler combines the offices of president and chancellor, naming himself Fuhrer.

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Completing the transition to a totalitarian regime, all other political parties in Germany are outlawed.

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