Table of Data Points

Tag : Naval

1918-10-02Durazzo (1918)

The fleet destroyed the Austro-Hungarian shore defenses and skirmished with a small naval force

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1918-09-05Action of 5 September 1918

was a former German ocean liner named SS Kronprinzessin Cecilie

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1918-07-21Attack on Orleans

An Imperial German U-boat opened fire on the American town of Orleans, Massachusetts and several merchant vessels nearby

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1918-06-18Action of 18 June 1918

U-151 attacked and sunk the British merchant ship SS Dwinsk. The American warship SS Von Steuben came to her aide and engaged the Submarine with a depth charge barrage that forced the German boat to flee.

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1918-05-21Christabel attacks UC-56

Although the American ship did not actually sink the German vessel, Christabel was still responsible for protecting her convoy and inflicting serious damage on an enemy submarine which resulted in internment and possible scuttling.

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1918-05-09Second Ostend Raid

The German Navy had used the port since 1915 as a base for their U-boat activities during the battle of the Atlantic and the strategic advantages conferred by the Belgian ports in the conflict were very important

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1918-05-08Action of 8 May 1918

Initially, the engagement was thought to be inconclusive, but later on the allied warships were credited with sinking the German submarine

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1918-04-23Zeebrugge Raid

The port was used by the German Navy as a base for their U-boats and light shipping, which was a serious threat to Allied shipping, especially in the English Channel

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1918-04-231918-04-24First Ostend Raid

Ostend was attacked in conjunction with the neighbouring harbour of Zeebrugge on 23 April in order to block the vital strategic port of Bruges, situated 6 mi (5

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1918-04-04Action of 4 April 1918

On April 4, 1918, three armed transports, US Armed Transports , and were steaming back to the United States in convoy after having completed a troop transportation voyage to France

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