- Aristatech - IT consultancy services to businesses Australia wide.
- Jonathan Coulton - Cool music guy.
- The Leaky Cauldron Forum - Harry Potter discussion forum.
- The Gunroom - The Internet home for all things Patrick O'Brian
- look what chad did! - Chad's Blog.
- Grofsoft - Grofonkenbecka (aka Nick) a friend who has written some funky software.
- TopTen Software - Another friend who has written more cool software.
- [P.E.G] - Phill Joyce (aka p.e.g) who has written some funky music.
- Ctrl-Alt-Delete - My favorite web comic. It's funny because it's true.
- Sluggy Freelance - A hilarious ongoing story line that has been coming out once a day since August 25 1997.
- GRRM - My Favourite author
- The Flames of War Forum - Tabletop World War 2 game discussion.
- The Cognethos Blog - Exposing some of the issues and solutions that Cognethos have come across in their development efforts.
- The Mets - Let's Go Mets!
- Tower of the Hand - A Westeros blog and a nifty Google Maps driven Westeros map.
- Pirate Quest - An amusing browser based MMO RPG.
- Travian - A much better browser based strategy game.
- Jake Shimabukuro - Awesome ukulele guy.
- Democracy Now - National Independent news program.
- The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe - Science news and sceptical goodness.
- Ogre SDK - An Open Source Graphics Rendering Engine.
- Amazon - Amazon associate link.