It's Cold
Apparently there is snow falling in the Australian alps which doesn't improve how I feel about how goddamn cold it suddenly got. Obviously, I need some code to heat up my laptop.
# some code to heat up my freaking lap
from cmath import exp, pi
import random
# thanks for the FFT code
def fft(x):
N = len(x)
if N <= 1: return x
even = fft(x[0::2])
odd = fft(x[1::2])
return [even[k] + exp(-2j*pi*k/N)*odd[k] for k in xrange(N/2)] + \
[even[k] - exp(-2j*pi*k/N)*odd[k] for k in xrange(N/2)]
while (True):
print fft([random.random (),
random.random (),
random.random (),
random.random (),
random.random (),
random.random (),
random.random (),
random.random ()])
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Four years and $19,999
I thought people might be interested in what four years of iOS side projects looks like.
So was all that time working well below minimum wage worth it? Totally. There is nothing better to sharpen your saw as a developer (and as an entrepreneur) than building real products and selling them to real people.
Screenshot from AppViz
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CLGeocoder is not an Opera fan
I realise that Reverse Geocoding is a pretty tricky problem and probably will always be a work in progress, but the CLGeocoder bug I found today was so amusing I had to post. Things like this make this API less useful than it otherwise could be.
One of these is not the Sydney Opera House:
I built a quick test app demonstrating that CLGeocoder thinks "Opera House, New South Wales" is a suburban bungalow.
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Four months later and I still suck at this game
Four months of indie game development in under three minutes.
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The Classic 'find a word' game reinvented. Compete with your friends and the world.
Free to play with no advertising. Upgrade for more challenging games and word lists.
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