The Mauritius Command - Patrick O'Brian (Audio Book)
Voyage of the Boadicea
Voyage of the Raisonable
Maturin in The Mauritius
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HMS Surprise - Patrick O'Brian (Audio Book)
Stephen looked sharply round, saw the decanter, smelt to the sloth, and cried, 'Jack, you have debauched my sloth.'
"Nymphs, forsooth. If they were nymphs, they must have had their being in a tolerably rank and stagnant pool"
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Post Captain - Patrick O'Brian (Audio Book)
Voyages from Post Captain
If you anoint them with the vile decoction we drink and wash in, of course they wilt. You must send ashore for some rain-water; and at that rate of watering, some aquatic plants.
An intolerably tedious description of Miss Williams, whom Stephen knew a good deal better than Captain Aubrey - her appearance, virtues. 'So direct - straightforward - nothing hole in the corner, if you understand me -no damned purser's tricks - must not swear, however, - like a 32 Iber.' Could he really have likened Sophie to a thirty-two pounder? It was quite possible.
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Master and Commander - Patrick O'Brian (Audio Book)
Voyage of the Sophie
The sound that woke him in the middle watch: a low cry mounting by quarter tones or less and increasing in volume to a howling shriek, then a quick series of spoken or chanted words, the mounting cry again and the shriek - the Irish men of the crew waking James Dillon, stretched there with a cross in his hands and lanterns at his head and his feet.
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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - J.K.Rowling (Audio Book)
Even better the second time round. HBP has eclipsed The Prisoner of Azkaban as my favourite book in the series.
Now I just have to distract myself with something else so I don't wander morosely through HP forums for the next two years waiting for the grand finale to come out.
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